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Motion of Understanding with the Interamerican Chamber of Commerce for Transport

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

Since the Busworld Foundation is strongly expanding its activities in South and Latin America, and since CIT (the Camára Interamericana de Transporte) is the representative chamber of commerce in the transport industry on the American continent, both organisations have signed a Motion of Understanding, expressing their strong will and motivation to collaborate.

The Busworld Foundation becomes an affiliated member of CIT, while CIT takes a seat in the steering committee of the Busworld Latin America Conference 2023.

Busworld and the Busworld Foundation are launching the Busworld Latin America Exhibition and Conference in Buenos Aires, on June 14th-16th 2023. This will be the first event in which all stakeholders related to CIT, will be participating in knowledge sharing seminars and network events and meet with the bus and coach industry stakeholders related to Busworld. The collaboration will result in the biggest and most important event for the bus and coach industry in Latin America.

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